Monday, February 18, 2008


Illustration ">Theory" for
Illustration Friday

An apple a day...make your head hurts!
A mixture illustration about the gravity theory and another theory that says apples are good to our health.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Illustration "Choose" for
Illustration Friday

Everyday, i have to choose what to wear and sometimes it ain't easy. Especially if i'm having a bad day. But today was a happy day!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Illustration "Stitch" for
Illustration Friday

Ice-cream always makes me happy!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Little Things

Illustration "Liitle Things" for
Illustration Friday

This "Cookie Princess" is very surprised and thoughtfull. She's has been proposed and a "little" diamond ring lays in her finger.

For me it's a symbol that a change in life will occur, will it be good or bad? We don't know.
It's also a symbol to, that for a thing so little - a diamond, so much blood, so much kills happen.

Most of the time, little things have the hability to change your lifes and change our world.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Illustration "Excess" for
Illustration Friday

This could be a portrait of me, trilled to have so much chocolate and candys to eat. But it is too much, i'll probably be sick after eating all of them. :-)
A personal reminder to Christmas holiday.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Illustration "Zoo" for
Illustration Friday This is "Mico de Leão Dourado" or an "Golden Lion Tamarin".
I think they are cut and they are an endangered specie.
I don't like that animals must be surrounded by bars and in cages, but in the world today, Zoos can be a solution to preserve endangered species and perserve our natural life.

Want to know more about this animal? - check here!